May 15th, 2009 at 02:30 am
Today was a good day.
My bike tire pump broke so boyfriend and I went to Sheels to get a new pump. Yeah, we could have gone to half a dozen places that are closer but Sheels is fun to walk around. We spent several dollars playing games and riding the ferris wheel. It's also near a beautiful (man-made) lake so we had a picnic.
Tomorrow we'll go on a bike ride.
I sold another movie on! Before shipping I make $5.79. It will cost aout $1.00 to ship (DVDs are light) and I don't have to pay for an envelope.
I really don't want Monday to come. I don't want to take this English class. Unfortunately it is required. I'll just suffer through it.
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eBay Challenge
May 11th, 2009 at 11:45 pm
The first sale of this month happened today. Yay! I sold one of my old textbooks.
It sold for $22.50, so after the commission and shipping fees I made $17.65.
Not too shabby.
Tomorrow I'm meeting some friends for lunch and after wards I plan on going to the storage unit and picking out some more books to sell on
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eBay Challenge
March 31st, 2009 at 06:12 pm
March was a pretty good month.
I saved a total of $349.88. That breaks down into:
-IRA: $131.19
-Savings: $218.69
On I made a total of $11.40, bringing my total for the year to $217.77. My average for the year so far is $72.59, above my goal of $40/month.
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Monthly Totals,
eBay Challenge
March 30th, 2009 at 11:24 pm
I shipped my item today. Shipping and packaging was $2.19. So my total for this month is: $9.21. Decent.
I am so exhausted. I got only a couple of hours sleep last night. I wasn't up late studying or playing games or watching movies. My brain would just would not shut off. I wasn't tired until it was really late.
I somehow got through the day. I did the grocery shopping and went to the post office and talked with my advisor and then went to my classes. Tomorrow I will post about what my advisor said and what I plan on doing. Right now I need a nap.
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eBay Challenge
March 29th, 2009 at 07:14 pm
I sold another thing on today. This time a movie.
Before shipping fees, I get $6.21. I haven't shipped it yet (it is a Sunday), but shipping fees should be no more than $1 or two.
Yesterday I also received cash tips for the party I worked. $42 in cash and I'll get another $40-ish on my paycheck. I am, unfortunately, not working at all this upcoming week. So my paychecks for April are going to be really low. Oh well. In May it will start picking up and will last at least through September (we have several weddings in September). I think I'm going to hold onto the cash tips and use that as my spending money and take less spending money (if any at all) out of my next paycheck.
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eBay Challenge
March 19th, 2009 at 08:16 pm
My total for January was about $201. February it was $0. Today I FINALLY sold another book!
After shipping I made $5.19 on the book.
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eBay Challenge
February 28th, 2009 at 03:00 am
No no no no no no no no no.
A friend of mine, whom I do love as a friend, recently asked me for $100. This is the same friend who borrowed sums of money ranging from $20 -$100 from other friends and forgot to repay them. So when she asked me for some money, I smiled and said that I couldn't spare $100 right now. Mumbled some excuse about this and that and tightening the belt...
What I felt like saying was, "Are you kidding me? Do I look like an idiot? I wasn't born yesterday in case you didn't know."
Ah.. friends. 
My daddy got into town late last instead of this afternoon. He, my boyfriend, and myself ran a couple errands and had lunch. The three of us will be going to a local sandwich joint for dinner and then ice cream. Brother was in school while we had lunch and doesn't feel like joining us tonight. He's being a party pooper but oh well.
Tomorrow is the end of Feb.
I have made a total of 11 cents in interest on my savings and 6 cents on my IRA. I have not sold anything this month on but I was expecting that. I've adjusted the price on all my items a few times so I am just going to sit back and wait. If I find anything else to sell I will list it but I am not optimistic on making money in March on
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Monthly Totals,
eBay Challenge
February 1st, 2009 at 09:30 pm
I'm late to it, but I have decided that I want to join the eBay challenge!
I hope to average $40/month.
My eBay challenge total so far: $201.18
I will primarily be selling things on but I do plan on having a yard sale in June so I will also include that.
I sent in my request to receive my credit score from Equifax today. I should be getting it in about 3 weeks.
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eBay Challenge,
Credit Score/Report