October 31st, 2008 at 05:11 pm
Yesterday my mom went into a coma. My brother found her at 4:30 yesterday morning.
A little bit before 9 this morning she passed away.
I will be taking a break from here, but I will return.
Posted in
October 26th, 2008 at 05:48 pm
Savings: $403.41
IRA: $140.00
Grocery Money: $100.00
Gas Money: $100.00
Spending Money: $75.00
Survey Money Cashed: $10.80
In a week or two I'll be cashing out another $10.00. I received a survey from mysurvey.com worth 500 points and my new total is 970 points. I just need a couple more surveys and then I can cash out. Yay!
Posted in
Monthly Totals
October 23rd, 2008 at 02:18 am
A week or two ago I sent in a request to receive my credit report from all three credit bureaus.
I've received my report from TransUnion. I thought that it would include my credit score, but I was mistaken.
Good news: everything on my credit report is correct and there is no fraud showing.
The only thing I found weird was that there were a lot more inquiries into my credit report than I expected. There were a lot of "Promotional Inquiries". But the report says that no one but me sees those inquiries and they don't affect my score.
I'm a little disappointed that my score wasn't included. I was really hoping to see that. Where do I go to find out my score? I'm guessing that I'll have to pay for it.
Now I wait for my other two reports to arrive.
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Credit Card
October 11th, 2008 at 08:03 pm
It's taken me a loooong time, but my Roth IRA now has over $1,000 in it!
I must say, four digits look SO much better than three!
I can't wait to hit the five digit mark, but it will be a few more years.
Posted in
October 11th, 2008 at 05:38 am
I had midterms this week.
And I survived. 
It wasn't all that bad. I had two papers due today for the same class and a French exam, Calc III test and a huge Geology lab that I am still working through.
But just to make sure that I did not end the week on a happy note, my boyfriend decided that he was going to get into an accident today.
He's alright, thank God, but his car is in no condition to drive. The car he hit is just fine. It was a huge Ford F150 and the only damage it sustained was some paint scraped off. BF's front right wheel nearly came off and his suspension (I think) is ruined.
I also had a migraine at work (I wonder why?) but my supervisor let me off early.
I have a test on Monday that I need to study for but tonight I plan to watch Mel Brooks movies with my daddy.
Posted in
October 2nd, 2008 at 11:50 pm
I joined a survey site a couple months ago. I was expecting to make more than I am, but every little bit helps.
The most frustrating thing is that opinionoutpost.com has surveys that will kick you out halfway through the survey if you don't meet the criteria!
It gets soooo annoying to be working on a survey and get the "We're sorry, but you don't match the needs of this survey.". Gah! I filled out all the personality reports for the survey site so shouldn't they know if I match the criteria? I'm tempted to delete/modify those personality reports to try to get more surveys. And hopefully more surveys offered will mean more surveys I can actually complete!
It is the second of October and I've spent all of money spending money for this month. I bought a really cute pair of shoes for $10 and the rest I spent on the anniversary present for my boyfriend.
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