Home > My Credit Score

My Credit Score

October 23rd, 2008 at 02:18 am

A week or two ago I sent in a request to receive my credit report from all three credit bureaus.

I've received my report from TransUnion. I thought that it would include my credit score, but I was mistaken.

Good news: everything on my credit report is correct and there is no fraud showing.

The only thing I found weird was that there were a lot more inquiries into my credit report than I expected. There were a lot of "Promotional Inquiries". But the report says that no one but me sees those inquiries and they don't affect my score.

I'm a little disappointed that my score wasn't included. I was really hoping to see that. Where do I go to find out my score? I'm guessing that I'll have to pay for it.

Now I wait for my other two reports to arrive.

3 Responses to “My Credit Score”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I just checks mine and BB's score too- ours were all correct too!

  2. terri77 Says:

    I believe that you have to pay for your credit score now. You used to be able to get that free once a year as well.

  3. Cassandra Says:

    Thanks kristinecfp! I guess I was a little confused on the terms... I assumed getting your credit score was just that- you only got your score and a report meant both the score and the report.

    I'll go to to get my score.

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