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Joining the eBay challenge!

February 1st, 2009 at 09:30 pm

I'm late to it, but I have decided that I want to join the eBay challenge!

I hope to average $40/month.

My eBay challenge total so far: $201.18

I will primarily be selling things on but I do plan on having a yard sale in June so I will also include that.

I sent in my request to receive my credit score from Equifax today. I should be getting it in about 3 weeks.

4 Responses to “Joining the eBay challenge!”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    Welcome to the challenge. You've already made over $200 but your goal is only $40/month. Why so low? Do you not expect to be able to keep up that level of sales?

    How did you order your credit score? If you do it online, you get it instantly.

  2. cassandra Says:

    The only reason I made so much this month was because all but 1 or 2 items were textbooks. The rest of what I have to sell is books and DVDs that are probably going to go for only a few dollars each.

    I ordered mine through the mail ( I am weary of ordering it online because of safety reasons.

  3. Koppur Says:

    Yay, another Ebay Challenger!! Glad you are joining us. Good luck! Smile

  4. cassandra Says:

    Thanks Koppur! Good luck to you too!

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