Home > Hahaha.. No.

Hahaha.. No.

February 28th, 2009 at 03:00 am

No no no no no no no no no.


A friend of mine, whom I do love as a friend, recently asked me for $100. This is the same friend who borrowed sums of money ranging from $20 -$100 from other friends and forgot to repay them. So when she asked me for some money, I smiled and said that I couldn't spare $100 right now. Mumbled some excuse about this and that and tightening the belt...

What I felt like saying was, "Are you kidding me? Do I look like an idiot? I wasn't born yesterday in case you didn't know."

Ah.. friends. Big Grin

My daddy got into town late last instead of this afternoon. He, my boyfriend, and myself ran a couple errands and had lunch. The three of us will be going to a local sandwich joint for dinner and then ice cream. Brother was in school while we had lunch and doesn't feel like joining us tonight. He's being a party pooper but oh well.

Tomorrow is the end of Feb.

I have made a total of 11 cents in interest on my savings and 6 cents on my IRA. I have not sold anything this month on but I was expecting that. I've adjusted the price on all my items a few times so I am just going to sit back and wait. If I find anything else to sell I will list it but I am not optimistic on making money in March on

8 Responses to “Hahaha.. No.”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    good you said no. i;ve never had a friend ask me for money before. i dont know what i would do if they did ask me.

  2. cassandra Says:

    This is the first friend to ask me for money. I mean I've had friends who have asked for a dollar or a quarter but never more than that.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hahaha, funny entry. Funny because of the way you started it, and funny because it's about a "friend" who never repays.

    Were I in your shoes, it would take great effort to not in their face.... Yes, I'm mean that way.

  4. cassandra Says:

    LOL, Broken Arrow! It did take some effort not to laugh when she asked me for the money. She is a good friend in many ways, just not when it comes to money.

  5. lizajane Says:

    I've never had a friend ask to borrow money either. Maybe they know betterSmile I also don't think I've ever asked a friend to borrow money. Offering to loan money has happened both ways though (just small amounts), and I think that's the way it should be. Asking to borrow just puts them in an uncomfortable position.

  6. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I have never asked a friend to borrow money, even as desperate as I was. I have one friend who has done so much for me in other ways that if she needed the money, I would give it to her, with no expectations of receiving it back.

  7. Broken Arrow Says:

    Ooops! Don't know what happened with my previous comment, but I'm glad you knew what I meant about not laughing in their face.

  8. cassandra Says:

    Haha, Broken Arrow. I leave out words all the time so I think I have gotten good at filling in the blanks. Smile

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