I ended up not going to the party yesterday. Didn't really feel like it. So instead I watched some DVDs, went on a walk, did some cleaning, and re-planned the menu for my housewarming party tomorrow.
I sold two books today, making $11.46! Before shipping of course. My total for the month is now over $120!
And speaking of half.com, I have a confession to make. I bought a purse. Well, a tote technically. I used some of the half.com money to buy it. It was $51, including shipping. It's a really cute tote and very roomy making it perfect for school.
One of the things I will have to get used to now that fiance and I have combined finances, is having to ask permission to buy something. Well, not really asking for permission but more double checking that he is ok with a large purchase like that (and he was fine with it). I have never really had to double check with anyone before I made a large purchase. With my parents, any allowance money I earned was mine to spend as I wished as long I didn't buy anything inappropriate.
Random updates
August 17th, 2009 at 12:02 am
August 17th, 2009 at 03:14 am 1250475268
August 17th, 2009 at 03:26 am 1250475987
Sometimes I forget that you guys aren't mind readers and forget to fill in a few details.
August 17th, 2009 at 07:06 am 1250489185