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How long to let it sit there?

August 7th, 2009 at 09:27 pm

I sold two books yesterday, bringing my total for the month so far to about $25. I shipped them today and spent about $4 on shipping the two books.

I decided to go through my inventory and double check the pricing on everything. I even listed another item (a video game- $17). I noticed, though, that I have a couple books that have been listed since October 2008.

That's almost a year!

I'm wondering if I should remove the listing and donate the book. All of my books are in 4 boxes in the pantry. I don't need the space so I'm not really concerned about getting rid of the books in a timely fashion. I just don't want them and figured I could make some money off the books.

How long is too long to keep something listed on At what point should I accept that the book won't sell and donate it?

Or does it not really matter?

Oh, I have determined that I am not meant to be a plumber. I have the WORST luck with plumbing and everything related to it! Our garbage disposal broke yesterday and it has to be replaced. Fortunately, we're not paying for it, the apartment complex is.

But let's recap the past year and all the bad luck I have had with plumbing:
1. My apartment with grandma- my shower was leaking into the downstairs apartment and the workers tried several times to fix. Finally they decided that it would have to be replaced. I didn't have a shower for about a month and a half.
2. A couple months after my mom died and I moved back into my dad's place, we discovered some serious water damage. Turns out a pipe wasn't installed correctly and was leaking. Mold grew and it took about a month and a half for everything to get back to normal.
3. And now this! Agh. Let's hope it doesn't take a month and a half to get a garbage disposal.

Maybe I should just avoid any and all plumbing from now on.

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