Home > $2600 left

$2600 left

February 19th, 2009 at 08:45 pm

I deposited some money into my savings and IRA today- after I switched banks.

It took longer than I expected to close my accounts and then open new ones. Because I had to open the checking with at least $100, I had to take about $70 from my savings to open the checking. But once my online banking is up and running (should be but I haven't checked it yet), I will transfer that money back to my savings.

One thing I noticed is that every time I make a contribution to my IRA, the bankers have to relearn how to do it. They actually have to ask me what the next step is. It is amusing, but I think a little sad too. Hopefully more people will contribute to IRAs and it will become second nature to the bankers.

I have about $2,600 left until I meet my savings goal for the year. I think I'll be able to make the goal by the end of summer.

Another eyeglass store was having a sale, 2 glasses for $99, but again no luck in finding glasses. I found one pair I liked, it was $110 for frames. I was considering getting especially since I found out I could get another pair for free but I couldn't find any other glasses I liked. Oh well.

1 Responses to “$2600 left”

  1. Amber Says:

    hmmm I find it strange that the bankers are asking you about steps taken to deposit to your IRA

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