Home > Do you prioritize wants?

Do you prioritize wants?

February 10th, 2009 at 07:28 pm

I learned something interesting about my boyfriend today (I am surprised it took me this long, but oh well).

He prioritizes wants. He keeps a list of things he wants (games, movies, etc.) and puts a "1" next to the things he REALLY REALLY wants and a "10" next to the things that he would like to have, but is fine doing without.

I think his system works a lot better than mine. I tend to bounce around from want to want. One minute I am saving for this, a day later I am saving for that. It is never organized.

I am going to create a list of things I want. No more than 10 items at once. Of course, if there isn't 10 items that I want I am not going to "stuff" the list with things I don't want.

I think I will make a separate page for this. I just discovered the pages feature and I have been having fun with that. Simple minds you know.

6 Responses to “Do you prioritize wants?”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Thanks for the suggestion. This is something DH needs to do!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    We do this with our home improvement wants/needs. It is too costly to do everything at once, so we prioritize based on necessity and want. Sometimes, it turns out our wants change.

  3. cassandra Says:

    I'm glad to hear that it works for you. I think doing this will help me focus on my wants and push me to really think about if I want an item.

  4. Caoineag Says:

    I always prioritize my wants based on cost, need and how much I really really want it.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    yes, i am going to start that once we move into our new house. Smile (ps i too discovered the pages feature not that long ago... Big Grin)

  6. skydivingchic Says:

    I don't do this quite as formally as your BF, but yes, I do prioritize my wants. I have my personal savings account which is used to pay for short and mid-term goals such as travel, a new to me car, etc. For me, travel almost always tops my wants list. Anytime I think that I want something, I look at my savings account total and the amount the new item will cost me. That item not only costs me in terms of $X right now, but also in terms of how much longer it will take me to save enough money for my next vacation. Then I have to decide if it is worth it.

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